数据结构 rio

持久化的 IO 操作在 rio.h 和 rio.c 中实现,核心数据结构是 struct rio。RDB 中的几乎每一个函数都带有 rio 参数。struct rio 既适用于文件,又适用于内存缓存,从 struct rio 的实现可见一斑,它抽象了文件和内存的操作。

struct _rio {
    // 函数指针,包括读操作,写操作和文件指针移动操作
    /* Backend functions.
     * Since this functions do not tolerate short writes or reads the return
     * value is simplified to: zero on error, non zero on complete success. */
    size_t (*read)(struct _rio *, void *buf, size_t len);
    size_t (*write)(struct _rio *, const void *buf, size_t len);
    off_t (*tell)(struct _rio *);

    // 校验和计算函数
    /* The update_cksum method if not NULL is used to compute the checksum of
     * all the data that was read or written so far. The method should be
     * designed so that can be called with the current checksum, and the buf
     * and len fields pointing to the new block of data to add to the checksum
     * computation. */
    void (*update_cksum)(struct _rio *, const void *buf, size_t len);

    // 校验和
    /* The current checksum */
    uint64_t cksum;

    // 已经读取或者写入的字符数
    /* number of bytes read or written */
    size_t processed_bytes;

    // 每次最多能处理的字符数
    /* maximum single read or write chunk size */
    size_t max_processing_chunk;

    // 可以是一个内存总的字符串,也可以是一个文件描述符
    /* Backend-specific vars. */
    union {
        struct {
            sds ptr;
            // 偏移量
            off_t pos;
        } buffer;
        struct {
            FILE *fp;
            // 偏移量
            off_t buffered; /* Bytes written since last fsync. */
            off_t autosync; /* fsync after 'autosync' bytes written. */
        } file;
    } io;

typedef struct _rio rio;

redis 定义两个 struct rio,分别是 rioFileIO 和 rioBufferIO,前者用于内存缓存,后者用于文件 IO:

redis 定义两个 struct rio,分别是 rioFileIO 和 rioBufferIO,前者用于内存缓存,后者用于文件 IO:


// 适用于内存缓存
static const rio rioBufferIO = {
    NULL,           /* update_checksum */
    0,              /* current checksum */
    0,              /* bytes read or written */
    0,              /* read/write chunk size */
    { { NULL, 0 } } /* union for io-specific vars */

// 适用于文件 IO
static const rio rioFileIO = {
    NULL,           /* update_checksum */
    0,              /* current checksum */
    0,              /* bytes read or written */
    0,              /* read/write chunk size */
    { { NULL, 0 } } /* union for io-specific vars */

因此,在 RDB 持久化的时候可以将 RDB 保存到磁盘中,也可以保存到内存中,当然保存到内存中就不是持久化了。

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