
如上所说,无论如何,redis 首先会尝试部分同步。部分同步即把积压空间缓存的数据,即更新记录发送给从机。

从机连接主机后,会主动发起 PSYNC 命令,从机会提供 master_runid 和 offset,主机验证 master_runid 和 offset 是否有效? 验证通过则,进行部分同步:主机返回 +CONTINUE(从机接收后会注册积压数据接收事件),接着发送积压空间数据。


syncWithMaster() 已经被设置为回调函数,当与主机建立连接后,syncWithMaster() 会被回调,这一点查阅在 connectWithMaster() 函数。首先如果该从机从未与主机有过连接,那么会进行全同步,从主机拷贝所有的数据;否则,会尝试进行部分同步。

// 连接主机 connectWithMaster() 的时候,会被注册为回调函数
void syncWithMaster(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) {
    char tmpfile[256], *err;
    int dfd, maxtries = 5;
    int sockerr = 0, psync_result;
    socklen_t errlen = sizeof(sockerr);


    // 尝试部分同步,主机允许进行部分同步会返回 +CONTINUE,从机接收后注册相应的事件

    /* Try a partial resynchonization. If we don't have a cached master
     * slaveTryPartialResynchronization() will at least try to use PSYNC
     * to start a full resynchronization so that we get the master run id
     * and the global offset, to try a partial resync at the next
     * reconnection attempt. */

    // 函数返回三种状态:
    // PSYNC_CONTINUE:表示会进行部分同步,在 slaveTryPartialResynchronization()
                     // 中已经设置回调函数 readQueryFromClient()
    // PSYNC_FULLRESYNC:全同步,会下载 RDB 文件
    psync_result = slaveTryPartialResynchronization(fd);
    if (psync_result == PSYNC_CONTINUE) {
        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE, "MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Master accepted a "
            "Partial Resynchronization.");

    // 执行全同步

slaveTryPartialResynchronization() 主要工作是判断是进行全同步还是部分同步。

// 函数返回三种状态:
// PSYNC_CONTINUE:表示会进行部分同步,已经设置回调函数
int slaveTryPartialResynchronization(int fd) {
    char *psync_runid;
    char psync_offset[32];
    sds reply;

    /* Initially set repl_master_initial_offset to -1 to mark the current
     * master run_id and offset as not valid. Later if we'll be able to do
     * a FULL resync using the PSYNC command we'll set the offset at the
     * right value, so that this information will be propagated to the
     * client structure representing the master into server.master. */
    server.repl_master_initial_offset = -1;

    if (server.cached_master) {
    // 缓存了上一次与主机连接的信息,可以尝试进行部分同步,减少数据传输
        psync_runid = server.cached_master->replrunid;
        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Trying a partial resynchronization "
            "(request %s:%s).", psync_runid, psync_offset);
    } else {
    // 未缓存上一次与主机连接的信息,进行全同步
    // psync ? -1 可以获取主机的 master_runid
        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Partial resynchronization not possible "
            "(no cached master)");
        psync_runid = "?";

    // 向主机发送命令,并接收回复
    /* Issue the PSYNC command */
    reply = sendSynchronousCommand(fd,"PSYNC",psync_runid,psync_offset,NULL);

    // 全同步
    if (!strncmp(reply,"+FULLRESYNC",11)) {
        char *runid = NULL, *offset = NULL;

        /* FULL RESYNC, parse the reply in order to extract the run id
         * and the replication offset. */
        runid = strchr(reply,' ');
        if (runid) {
            offset = strchr(runid,' ');
            if (offset) offset++;
        if (!runid || !offset || (offset-runid-1) != REDIS_RUN_ID_SIZE) {
                "Master replied with wrong +FULLRESYNC syntax.");
            /* This is an unexpected condition, actually the +FULLRESYNC
             * reply means that the master supports PSYNC, but the reply
             * format seems wrong. To stay safe we blank the master
             * runid to make sure next PSYNCs will fail. */
        } else {
            // 拷贝 runid
            memcpy(server.repl_master_runid, runid, offset-runid-1);
            server.repl_master_runid[REDIS_RUN_ID_SIZE] = '\0';
            server.repl_master_initial_offset = strtoll(offset,NULL,10);
            redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Full resync from master: %s:%lld",
        /* We are going to full resync, discard the cached master structure. */
        return PSYNC_FULLRESYNC;

    // 部分同步
    if (!strncmp(reply,"+CONTINUE",9)) {
        /* Partial resync was accepted, set the replication state accordingly */
            "Successful partial resynchronization with master.");

        // 缓存主机替代现有主机,且为 PSYNC(部分同步) 做好准备

        return PSYNC_CONTINUE;

    /* If we reach this point we receied either an error since the master does
     * not understand PSYNC, or an unexpected reply from the master.
     * Reply with PSYNC_NOT_SUPPORTED in both cases. */

    // 接收到主机发出的错误信息
    if (strncmp(reply,"-ERR",4)) {
        /* If it's not an error, log the unexpected event. */
            "Unexpected reply to PSYNC from master: %s", reply);
    } else {
            "Master does not support PSYNC or is in "
            "error state (reply: %s)", reply);

下面 syncCommand() 摘取部分同步的部分:

// 主机 SYNC 和 PSYNC 命令处理函数,会尝试进行部分同步和全同步
/* SYNC ad PSYNC command implemenation. */
void syncCommand(redisClient *c) {

    // 主机尝试部分同步,允许则进行部分同步,会返回 +CONTINUE,接着发送积压空间

    /* Try a partial resynchronization if this is a PSYNC command.
     * If it fails, we continue with usual full resynchronization, however
     * when this happens masterTryPartialResynchronization() already
     * replied with:
     * +FULLRESYNC <runid> <offset>
     * So the slave knows the new runid and offset to try a PSYNC later
     * if the connection with the master is lost. */
    if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[0]->ptr,"psync")) {
        // 部分同步
        if (masterTryPartialResynchronization(c) == REDIS_OK) {
            return; /* No full resync needed, return. */
        } else {
        // 部分同步失败,会进行全同步,这时会收到来自客户端的 runid
            char *master_runid = c->argv[1]->ptr;

            /* Increment stats for failed PSYNCs, but only if the
             * runid is not "?", as this is used by slaves to force a full
             * resync on purpose when they are not albe to partially
             * resync. */
            if (master_runid[0] != '?') server.stat_sync_partial_err++;
    } else {
        /* If a slave uses SYNC, we are dealing with an old implementation
         * of the replication protocol (like redis-cli --slave). Flag the client
         * so that we don't expect to receive REPLCONF ACK feedbacks. */
        c->flags |= REDIS_PRE_PSYNC_SLAVE;

    // 执行全同步:


// 主机尝试是否能进行部分同步
/* This function handles the PSYNC command from the point of view of a
* master receiving a request for partial resynchronization.
* On success return REDIS_OK, otherwise REDIS_ERR is returned and we proceed
* with the usual full resync. */
int masterTryPartialResynchronization(redisClient *c) {
    long long psync_offset, psync_len;
    char *master_runid = c->argv[1]->ptr;
    char buf[128];
    int buflen;

    /* Is the runid of this master the same advertised by the wannabe slave
     * via PSYNC? If runid changed this master is a different instance and
     * there is no way to continue. */
    if (strcasecmp(master_runid, server.runid)) {
    // 当因为异常需要与主机断开连接的时候,从机会暂存主机的状态信息,以便
    // 下一次的部分同步。
    // 1)master_runid 是从机提供一个因缓存主机的 runid,
    // 2)server.runid 是本机(主机)的 runid。
    // 匹配失败,说明是本机(主机)不是从机缓存的主机,这时候不能进行部分同步,
    // 只能进行全同步

        // "?" 表示从机要求全同步
        // 什么时候从机会要求全同步???
        /* Run id "?" is used by slaves that want to force a full resync. */
        if (master_runid[0] != '?') {
            redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Partial resynchronization not accepted: "
                "Runid mismatch (Client asked for '%s', I'm '%s')",
                master_runid, server.runid);
        } else {
            redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Full resync requested by slave.");
        goto need_full_resync;

    // 从参数中解析整数,整数是从机指定的偏移量
    /* We still have the data our slave is asking for? */
    if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&psync_offset,NULL) !=
       REDIS_OK) goto need_full_resync;

    // 部分同步失败的情况:
    // 1、不存在积压空间
    if (!server.repl_backlog || 
    // 2、psync_offset 太过小,即从机错过太多更新记录,安全起见,实行全同步
    // 我们知道,积压空间的大小是有限的,如果某个从机错过的更新过多,将无法
    // 在积压空间中找到更新的记录
    psync_offset 越界
        psync_offset < server.repl_backlog_off ||  
        psync_offset > (server.repl_backlog_off + server.repl_backlog_histlen))
    // 经检测,不满足部分同步的条件,转而进行全同步
            "Unable to partial resync with the slave for lack of backlog "
            "(Slave request was: %lld).", psync_offset);
        if (psync_offset > server. ) {
                "Warning: slave tried to PSYNC with an offset that is "
                "greater than the master replication offset.");
        goto need_full_resync;

    // 执行部分同步:
    // 1)标记客户端为从机
    // 2)通知从机准备接收数据。从机收到 +CONTINUE 会做好准备
    // 3)开发发送数据
    /* If we reached this point, we are able to perform a partial resync:
     * 1) Set client state to make it a slave.
     * 2) Inform the client we can continue with +CONTINUE
     * 3) Send the backlog data (from the offset to the end) to the slave. */

    // 将连接的客户端标记为从机
    c->flags |= REDIS_SLAVE;

    // 表示进行部分同步
    // #define REDIS_REPL_ONLINE 9 /* RDB file transmitted, sending just
    // updates. */
    c->replstate = REDIS_REPL_ONLINE;

    // 更新 ack 的时间
    c->repl_ack_time = server.unixtime;

    // 添加入从机链表

    // 告诉从机可以进行部分同步,从机收到后会做相关的准备(注册回调函数)
    /* We can't use the connection buffers since they are used to accumulate
     * new commands at this stage. But we are sure the socket send buffer is
     * emtpy so this write will never fail actually. */
    buflen = snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"+CONTINUE\r\n");
    if (write(c->fd,buf,buflen) != buflen) {
        return REDIS_OK;

    // 向从机写积压空间中的数据,积压空间存储有「更新缓存」
    psync_len = addReplyReplicationBacklog(c,psync_offset);

        "Partial resynchronization request accepted. Sending %lld bytes of "
        "backlog starting from offset %lld.", psync_len, psync_offset);
    /* Note that we don't need to set the selected DB at server.slaveseldb
     * to -1 to force the master to emit SELECT, since the slave already
     * has this state from the previous connection with the master. */

    return REDIS_OK; /* The caller can return, no full resync needed. */

    // 向从机发送 +FULLRESYNC runid repl_offset

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